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College Point Little League

College Point Little League



  • Do not push puddles into the grass
  • If using a drying agent such as Quick Dry, it must be picked up, you are much better off using a coarser material, that can be left on the fieldN
  • ever use a broom to get rid of a puddle, that will leave a hole
  • Grade fields away from home plate and the mound
  • Do not move material when nail dragging,  just scarify the surface
  • Do not leave clay bits and chunks on the grass, these cause lips
  • Do not leave post game work for the next team
  • Cover up any clay storage, mounds and home plates



  • Water dirt night before field is used (if you have access to water)
  • Nail drag and screen drag in the morning before the field is used
  • Check the 1st base cutout and rake and level every time the field is used, if it looks like it is getting chewed up, roll it with the small lawn roller
  • Water again before the players come out and use the field
  • After they finish fix the holes in the mound and homeplate and cover them up until you have time to do finish work
  • When fixing holes follow these steps:

1. Sweep holes out
2. Water holes lightly
3. Scarify existing material
4. Add new material and pack together
5. Level out new material

  • Always rake dirt chunks off the grass when a field is finished being used
  • Water as much as you can, this is the key to good infield dirt
  • Top dress your infield dirt with calcined clay (Turface, Diamond  Pro) or an expanded shale product (Dura Edge Pro Slide) so that you have a thin layer on top of the infield dirt.
  • Check your edges to make sure they are level and you do not have lips developing
  • If you use chalk, pick up the chalk lines after the game
  • If you have to add Calcined Clay to get rid of puddles make sure you pick up excess material when you are finished, you can store it for another rainy day


  • Add material to low spots as necessary, these usually develop at the position areas and in the first base cutout
  • Wash the dirt out of the grass edges to keep them nice.  This is done with a gentle stream of water
  • Check the grass/dirt edges and make sure they are level, add material if they are not
  • Start watering 2 days before they use the infield dirt so that you have water all the way through the dirt
  • Check the mound and home plate to make sure they are level
  • Trim the grass edges around the dirt at least once every 2 weeks, run a string down the edge to keep it straight
  • Check the slope on the mound adjust it as necessary
  • Check the level of home plate


College Point Little League
13-28 123rd Street 
College Point, New York 11356

Phone: 646-481-6885
Email: [email protected]

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